Des d'ahir a la tarda ja tenim disponibles en la web de Nagios-Plugins la versió 2.0 d'aquest paquet de plugins.
Us deixem el post on es va anunciar el seu llançament:
Tirant un primer cop d'ull veiem que no hi ha massa diferències, només han afegit un nou plugin, i en la resta han afegit alguna funcionalitat i arreglat alguns bugs. Al nostre entendre l'evolució d'1.6 a 2.0 és la mateixa que va existir de la 1.5 a la 1.6, encara que imaginem que pel fet de gestionar ara la nova comunitat des de Nagios Enterprise han volgut donar una rentada d'imatge.
En qualsevol cas és interessant veure moviment.
Amb la sortida de NDOUtils divendres passat una bona notícia.
Us deixem la “release history” de la 2.0 a continuació:
2.0 4th March 2014
check_uptime - New plugin (only supports linux due to dependency on clock.gettime(). More supported platforms to follow.
check_mysql_query - Added performance data (sreinhardt)
check_file_age - New option -i/--ignore-missing which returns OK if file is missing (waja)
check_nt - Added performance data to UPTIME -l seconds|minutes|hours|days (abrist)
check_hpjd - New -p option for port specification (abrist)
check_disk - new -n option for multi-line output (tmcnag)
check_mysql_query - New -f/-g options for reading for mysql options file (awiddersheim)
check_mailq - New -M option for nullmailer support in the mailserver (Luca Corti)
check_dig - New -r option for specifying number of retries (abrist)
check_ntp_peer - Added state output for each checked metric (abrist)
check_dns - Warning and critical thresholds added to perfdata (jccomputing) (abrist)
check_dns - New -q options for several query types (AAAA,TXT,SRV,MX) (sreinhardt)
check_tcp - Status output now includes hostname when host_specified is set (madrisan)
check_mysql - New -n/--ignore_auth option to ignore authentication failure (Julius Kriukas)
check_ssh - New -P/--remote-protocol option to monitor the ssh protocol version (monitoring-user)
check_ntp - New -o/--time-offset option to compensate for the ntp server's offset relative to the local server (monitoring-user) - Added support for --disable-maintainer-mode (weiss)
check_http - The -C option no longer resets SSL version if e.g. -S 1 -C 5 is specified
check_ide_smart - Now defaults to nagios-compatible output (sreinhardt)
Fixed misleading timeout message for non-network plugins (sreinhardt)
check_swap - Now fails with 100% usage and a new status output when swap is disabled or missing (abrist)
check_ifstatus - Removed commas from perfdata - should now output valid perfdata in nagios format (waja)
check_ping - Now gracefully handle the "time of day goes back" error. This issue is rare, most will not notice the change (waja)
check_disk - Help output was clarified that it supports mount paths or partitions instead of just paths and partitions (waja)
check_ide_smart - Fixed attribute comparison (waja)
check_ntp_time - Fixed average time calculation (larsi)
NPTest.cache - Empty or Missing file no longer blocks writing to the file (dermoth)
parse.ini - Fixed newlines in output (dermoth)
check_dig - Fixed wrong IPv6 arguments order (Stephane Bortzmeyer)
check_dig - Now honors timeout value specified by switch -t (Jethro Carr) (abrist) - Renamed to to avoid deprecation warning (abrist) - The option --enable-extra-opts is now enabled by default (dermoth)
check_snmp - Now handles negative values properly (Stephane Lapie)
check_procs - Now ignores its parent process to avoid unexpected results when invoked via certain shells - No longer defines ECHO (weiss)
check_ide_smart now default to nagios output, -n kept for legacy support (sreinhardt)
check_ntp_peer - Status output changed, now includes individual state for offset, truechimers, stratum, and jitter (abrist)
check_tcp - Status output has changed, now includes hostname (madrisan)
check_procs - Performance data tests added (dermoth)
check_snmp - Added tests for negative thresholds (dermoth)
check_hpjd - Added tests for port options (abrist)
check_dns - Added new tests for query types (abrist)
check_pop - Added option to enable ssl for the test (abrist)
check_jabber - Fixed status output tests to account for hostname (abrist)
check_procs - Tests no longer fail if uid 501 is not present (sni)
check_mysql - Test prompts clarified (dermoth)
check_file_age - Added tests for --ignore-missing (waja)
Numerous small typos fixed.
Help output has been changed in many places for clarity and verbosity.